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JOY in Practice — Interactive Roadmap




  1. How do you work on maintaining connections?
  2. What connections matter to you and why?
  3. What kind of impact have you made this week on your customers/clients?

Reflection questions

After reviewing the Self-Care and Relationships Checklist -

  1. What was this process of filling out the checklist like for you?
  2. Were you surprised by any of your responses? If so, which ones?
  3. What ideas did you find on the checklist that you liked/did not like?
  4. What are the things that you found realistic/not realistic to implement?
  5. What are some of the barriers or challenges to implementing these practices?

Reflection Podcast: Connected

Recommended Resources

Center for Clinician Advancement Podcasts

UHG Resources

Clinician Resources

External Resources